Adolescent Substance Abuse Counseling and Group

Young Boy Talking With Counselor At Home

Mid-Del Youth and Family Center provides individual and group substance abuse counseling.

Mid-Del Youth and Family accepts substance abuse referrals from Midwest City and Del City Juvenile Court System, Oklahoma County Juvenile Bureau, Schools, and Individuals in the community.  Services begin with an intake that utilizes the Teen ASI, ASAM, SASSI, and a thorough biopsychsocial assessment to assess for level of substance abuse issues.

Since 1971, Mid-Del Youth & Family Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment Program has been providing professional assessment and outpatient treatment services for youth struggling with substance abuse and/or addiction. The Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment Program is a State Certified, abstinence-based, outpatient treatment program that seeks to address the underlying causes of use/abuse, and encourages abstinence and healthy lifestyles for teens.


Tailored Approach

The Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment Program offers a tailored approach, ensuring that our highly trained clinicians deliver the best program to fit the particular needs of each family.  Treatment plans are individualized from start to finish with every client, focusing on:

  • Family Participation
    • Clinicians strive to incorporate parents and families into the treatment program, helping increase trust and communication in the family, and re-establish clear and healthy roles for parent and child.
  • Counseling
    • During one-on-one counseling sessions, teens work with their Mid-Del Youth counselor to set treatment goals, build accountability, develop essential coping skills, and learn about their underlying issues.
  • 12-Step Approach
    • This approach is a proven treatment process that offers teens a structured support system and valuable tools towards sobriety, including AA/NA meetings, sponsors, and recovery assignments focused on relapse prevention and self-discovery.


Rebellious teenager talking with counselor about his issues
Young people addicted to drugs participating in group therapy

The Treatment Process:

What to Expect

Each individualized treatment plan includes the following elements:


An assessment is a 3-part session during which treatment specialists evaluate the extent of a teen’s use and make recommendations for the appropriate next steps for each family. The assessment breaks down as follows:

1 – Family history, previous medical history and current issues are discussed with the parents and teen.

2 – A confidential, one-on-one visit with the teen where drug use history and other mental and emotional health issues are discussed.

3 – The Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment Program team shares a set of recommendations with both the parents and teen based upon information gathered in the first two hours.


Components of treatment can be scaled up or down to meet the individual needs of each case.


Follow-up care is determined by the teen, therapist, family and Director of Outpatient Counseling Services on a case by case basis.  Appropriate plans are developed to support a youth’s ongoing transition from being in treatment to successful completing the program and maintaining sobriety.


Professional + Affordable

Adolescent Counseling Services provides thorough 3-phase assessments on a sliding scale.  Referrals for substance abuse assessments made by participating school districts are free of charge to the family of the teen being assessed.  Professional treatment plans and services are provided on an affordable sliding scale.


We receive assessment and treatment referrals from a wide range of people who interact with youth; including parents, school administrators, law enforcement, and physicians.

To schedule an assessment or learn more about the Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment Program, please contact the Intake Coordinator at (405) 733-KIDS.